Monday, February 16, 2009

Human Capacity

Human capacity is very important in community economic development initiatives. If there is no capacity of the community, development programmes outcomes con not be realized. However communities have certain capacities which exist and others which need to be enhanced by developing capacity building initiatives at macro and community levels. This paper briefly explains the meaning of capacity, some extraordinary human capacities and capacity building mechanisms.


According to the UNDP (1998) as quoted by Matambalya (2006) "capacity can be defined as the ability of individuals and Organizations or organizational units to perform functions effectively, efficiently and sustainably.” The definition shows three elements of capacity which are (i) capacity is evolving in nature i. e it is a continuous process (ii) it shows the central role of human resources and the way in which they are utilized, in defining the term capacity (iii) Third, it suggests that the overall context within which organizations undertake their functions is also a key consideration in strategies for capacity building initiatives. Human capacity is tied with a continuous process of increasing knowledge, skills, and the capacity of the society.

The process of enhancing human capacities in different aspects is regarded as of human resources development. In economics this is regarded as accumulation of human capital and its effective investment in the development of an economy. In political terms, human resources development prepares people for adult participation in political processes, particularly as citizens in a democracy. From the social and cultural points of view, the development of human resources helps people to lead fuller and richer lives, less bound by tradition. In short, the processes of human resources development unlock the door to modernization (Sriyan: 1997)

Literatures reveal that one of the capacities each individual has, is the capacity to understand. This is very important trait/asset to every individual and for development endeavors.
According to Steven Brunkhorst, human beings have seventeen extraordinary capacities that make human beings remarkable. When these capacities are recognize and used, the quality of human lives improves. The capacities are; Helping someone in their time of tragedy or need shows the capacity for human goodness; Listening closely to another's words and experience shows the capacity for soulful communication; Understanding the pain, sorrow, or loss of another person shows the capacity for empathy; Believing the best about others, and offering time, support, and friendship shows the capacity for trust; Apologizing for a past mistake shows the capacity for strong character and trustworthiness; Forgiving the errors of a fellow human being shows the capacity to receive forgiveness; Supporting the truth, even when it is unpopular, shows the capacity for honesty and integrity; Compromising when it is best for the welfare of others shows the capacity for teamwork; Giving time and effort to assist others to be successful shows the capacity for sincerity; Being curious about life, its people and its mysteries, shows the capacity for learning; Praying for the welfare of family, friends, and all of humanity shows the capacity for love; Waiting for God's answer to a prayer shows the capacity for faith and patience; Accepting the answer to a prayer, whatever it might be, discovering its blessings, and then moving on shows the capacity for gratitude; Believing in a God-given purpose throughout long and difficult seasons of scarcity shows the capacity for determination and hope; Taking risks, making mistakes, and learning from all experiences show the capacity for being human; Getting up after having fallen down or suffered failure shows the capacity for resolve and; Persisting resolutely to navigate life's rapids, scale its mountains, move beyond its perceived limitations, and arrive at its finish line with faith and dignity shows the capacity for achievement.

It has been noted at the beginning that human capacity is a continuous processes which can be built as well as can be lost over time. Hence for the purpose of development and improving the quality of life it needs to build. Human capacity can be built from the study of the changing environment or strategically enhanced by different programmes. Capacity building therefore encompasses the development of a country's human, Scientific, technological, organizational, institutional and resource capabilities. Human resources development is very important for development of any country because in any economic activity, it is the human element that commands, directs, organizes, controls and maximizes the utilization of other factors of production. The quality of people appropriate to the particular level and complexities of the activity determines how well or poorly, these tasks are accomplished.
Capacity building encompasses a wide range of area such as health care, nutrition, population control, education and training. However it is worth to note that, capacity building is done from the macro level to grassroots with elements like;
a) Legal and regulatory frame works; In order to build the capacity for development at all levels, legal and regulatory frame works need to be conducive. This enables individuals and organizations at all levels to participate fully in economic activities. If conducive environment is not enhanced, may hinder development of the nation. For instance one of the sited problems in Tanzania hindering the growth of SMEs sector and the private sector in general are business regulatory compliances. Long procedures in registrations, taxation and licensing systems are not for pro growth of the sector. It is in this context the Business Environment Strengthening for Tanzania (BEST) Programme was introduced in 2002 to make necessary reforms to enable development of the Private sector.
b) Human resources development. It is also equally important to build the capacity of the society in terms of education and training. Strategic investment in both soft and hard education infrastructures need to be developed. Regulatory frame works need to be complimented by the capacity of the available human resources so as to foster development of a country. This therefore refers to a process of equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills and access to information, in order to enable them to perform their tasks more effectively. The process is usually realized through education (formal and informal) and training.
c) Institutional (or organizational) development. This involves designing institutional structures, processes and procedures from the macro to the community and establishes relationship within the community. This is very important part of the capacity building processes.

In concluding, we recommend that, governments need to enhance capacities to communities if it is to realize economic development. People need to be enhanced to participate in economic endeavors. Macro and sectoral policies, together with legislations which are friendly users are to be put in place to motivate the people to engage in economic activities


Francis A.S.T. Matambalya (2006); Improving Trade Related Capacity Building in LDCs: Lessons from a Survey of Initiatives in Tanzania and Eastern Africa; Discussion Paper prepared for the fourth meeting of the advisory group on the strengthening of UNCTAD Training Capacities and Human Resources Development, Geneva, 22-23 March 2006

Sriyan, Silva (1997); Human Resources Development for Competitiveness: A priority for Employers; International Labour Office, Turin, Italy

Steven Brunkhorst

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